Britt was born in Berlin, just five years after the second world war and has seen many changes over the years. She began a successful dance career in the 60's which took her beyond her native city but she always returned. By the mid 80's she was an established part of the thriving art and club scene and the wall came down in 1989. The infamous club she co founded 90° was now open to East and West and continued until 2007. Britt currently lives in Charlottenburg in West Berlin and is known for her authenticity, ecclectic style, charisma and love of dance.
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🪽🕊️🪽 SAPERE AUDE 🪽 Looking 🪽 at what is to face from the perspective of a person ~ who overcomes obstacles and maintains it’s consistency within the ✨FREQUENCY OF LOVE✨ while adjusting by evolving with other hearts of the flame 💫🔆💫
⚜️❣️⚜️ LOVE IS THE ANSWER imagine peace from human to human from society to society if you touch a human soul be just another human soul the earth is the experience within the cosmic dance 💫✨💫 @modelveitalex @manuelavobach @dennisdivine @female.vision_e.v @g.krabbenhoft my hat’s @spatzhutdesignpassau @commedesgarconsparis 💫✨💫✨💫✨💫
✨ ✨💫✨ GOING THROUGH * LIFE WITH EASE * 🪽⛲️🪽IS A 🪽⛲️ DIRECT DECISION * * * * AND A * * * * SCIENCE IN ITSELF * * * my hat designed by @spatzhutdesignpassau * * *
👉Courage ist der erste Schritt zu sich selbst - diese kraftvollen Worte stammen von @britt.kanja, einer echten #stilikone & #lebenskünstlerin. 🎤 In der aktuellen Folge von ALPHAWOMAN erzählt Britt, wie sie ihr Leben mit #Mut, #eleganz und #individualität gemeistert hat. 💪 Warum sie dem Bösen stets mit einem #lächeln entgegnet 💯 , was sie von #Männern hält und den #Frauen von heute wünscht! 🎬 Die komplette Folge seht Ihr auf meinem YouTube-Kanal alphawoman_official 🙏💕 Den Link findet Ihr in der Bio und den Kommentaren ✅. Hut von Britt : @spatzhutdesignpassau
🔆 🪽⛲️🪽 ✨ BENEVOLENCE ✨ … resurrected from flu … ~*** HAPPY TO BE ***~ * cashmere blanket from LPJ ~ Hedi Bouley @lpj_studios *
🪽🌐🪽 ❄️ FINDING JOY in the little things
⚡️🤸♂️⚡️ JUST 🪷A WONDERFUL DAY in the middle of August ✨🤸♂️✨ Thank you for bathing in your LOVE Guests @sarah.settgast @tochter.official @dr.christinei @stephanie_heyday @dieterpadar @g.krabbenhoft @manuelavobach @atina.sound @tatiana_turko_muah @chefgenia @monella_berlin @lenaraible @hong_bock @unagonschorr @berlin.evab mwendwa_moana Alison, Robby, Elise, Niclas, Coco, Niclas, May, Rieke, Bardia, Robby, Berit, Sedat, Shorket, Constanze … it happens at Café L‘BERG @officelberg with their wonderful crew special thanks to Zara & Met ✨ ✨ ✨ ⚡️
🌎 🪽🌐🪽 FORTUNA PLEASE SAFE Human Dignity …
⚜️⛩️⚜️ APPRECIATING ✨ EVERY MOMENT THAT‘S MY FAVORITE WAY 🪽TO ENJOY LIFE 🪽 ☀️relishing the rays of sunshine in my preferred Cafe L“Berg photo @dieterpadar Cafe @officelberg
ALPHAWOMAN trifft Britt Kanja 🌟Freut Euch auf unseren Talk, der im Oktober online ist 🎙️
⛩️🪷⛩️ !!! THANK YOU !!! for being in my life & celebrating with me and for all your heartfelt wishes 🪷 my rooms are filled with flowers 🪷 I am bathing in their fragrance and your kindness 🪷 photograph @manuelavobach
Jedes Jahr aufs Neue freue ich mich auf diese beiden wunderbaren Ikonen 🫶📸 @britt.kanja @g.krabbenhoft Danke an @rolfeisenmenger @loandgo für das Zusammenbringen 🖤 Flowers by @meisterfloristik_gs 🫶🌹 Location: @neue.bult #ASCOT #photography #hannover #portrait #martinezfotografie