Petra van Bremen is a well know international Classic-Model and since 2019 a renowned Social Media Influencer. She is passionate about fashion and beauty and her main focus is to inspire the generation fifty-plus. She loves to share her travel stories, fashion ideas and beauty news and connect with her followers.
Follower count59,543
Can you believe it? 65 and in VOGUE! 🎉✨ An exclusive editorial: “state of ART”—proof that age is just a number when you’re chasing your dreams! #voguefeature #stateofart #ageisjustanumber #boldandtimeless #dreambiginspiremany PHOTOGRAPHY: @jakob_kotzmuth PRODUCTION & ART DIRECTION: @makeoverhamburg STYLING: @sanyafarokhyar CASTING @karen.stehle HAIR & MAKEUP: @makeoverhamburg STYLING ASSISTANT: @laurachlass ASSISTANT: @julianhuelser STUDIO: @brieselights #vogueeditorial #lifeafter50 #dreamscometrue #neverlooseyourradiance #firstvogueeditorial #exclusiveeditorialfashionshoot #dreamjob
PINCH ME! 65 years and in VOGUE for an exclusive editorial: “state of ART” Never stop chasing your dreams! Was there a time in your life you doubted yourself? ##boldandtimeless #dreambiginspiremany PHOTOGRAPHY: @jakob_kotzmuth PRODUCTION & ART DIRECTION: @makeoverhamburg STYLING: @sanyafarokhyar CASTING @karen.stehle HAIR & MAKEUP: @makeoverhamburg STYLING ASSISTANT: @laurachlass ASSISTANT: @julianhuelser STUDIO: @brieselights #vogueeditorial #lifeafter50 #dreamscometrue #neverlooseyourradiance #firstvogueeditorial #exclusiveeditorialfashionshoot #dreamjob voguefeature #stateofart #ageisjustanumber
65 years old and being featured in VOGUE magazine. What do you think makes it such an extraordinary milestone? The fact I am 65 or the fact that I inspire the next generation. Or both? PHOTOGRAPHY: @jakob_kotzmuth PRODUCTION & ART DIRECTION: @makeoverhamburg STYLING: @sanyafarokhyar CASTING @karen.stehle HAIR & MAKEUP: @makeoverhamburg STYLING ASSISTANT: @laurachlass ASSISTANT: @julianhuelser STUDIO: @brieselights #agelessbeauty #voguemodel #empoweredat65 #beautyhasnoagelimit #timelesselegance #breakingbarriers #confidenceiskey #inspiringgenerations #celebratingauthenticity
KaDeWe Campaign “YOU BELONG WITH US” – Because without you, there is no us. Honored to be part of this celebration of belonging, connection, individuality, and self-expression in the new Spring/Summer KaDeWe campaign. CAMPAIGN Spring/Summer KaDeWE @kadeweofficial ART DIRECTION @minni.mi FOTOGRAF @x_haring STYLING @theresagross HAIR & MAKEUP @norinorinorikohair @thisis_paloma PRODUCTION MODEL AGENCY @model_mgmt #youbelongwithus #kadewe springsummer2025 ##springsummercampaign #individuality #connections #belonging #fashionwithmeaning
✨ Unsere Special Guest: Petra van Bremen – Für Selbstliebe und Balance in jedem Alter! ✨ Petra van Bremen ist ProAging Influencerin, Model und eine starke Stimme für Selbstliebe und Altersakzeptanz. Mit ihrer positiven Einstellung und ihrem Engagement zeigt sie, dass Schönheit und Lebensfreude keine Altersgrenzen kennen. 💬 Auf die Frage, warum sie sich auf die Balance Boost Days freut, antwortet Petra: „Ich freue mich auf die Balance Boost Days, weil die Menopause meinen Körper und Geist ziemlich aus der Balance gebracht hat. Zusätzlich erhoffe ich mir zu erfahren, wie ich meine innere Ruhe noch besser in Balance bringen kann.“ 📸 Folgt @eventsbych und @petravanbremen, um mehr über unsere Special Guest-Erfahrungen bei den Balance Boost Days zu erfahren! #BalanceBoostDays #PetraVanBremen #ProAging #Selbstliebe #Altersakzeptanz
Are you brave enough to live the life you truly want? Are you confident enough to own your journey? I am! Don’t let anyone tell you you’re past your prime—your best moments are still ahead! PHOTOS STYLING @theovasiliou73 HAIR AND MAKEUP ARTIST @oliverhaenisch #liveboldly #ConfidenceIsKey #rewritetherules #yourtimeisnownownow #youcantoleaseeveryone
Backstage vibes: tension high, models ready, and the runway calling. Time to shine! Reel @gisela.schlenker #runwayready #fashionshowmodel #behindthescenesvideo #modellifeinternational #fashionmoment #berlinfashionweek #harderlump #runwaymagic HAB Team Credits: Creative Director: @johann_erhardt Head of Production: @jostoehr Head of Design: @sillinger_ Pattern Drafter: @p.ony_tail COMS: @leonaisabellalutz AW25 TEAM: @brianna.antoniel @julianbleiss @taricosar@_a.gigl@iamhuda.o CASTING DIRECTION: @joylivia STYLING: @suzana_haile PHOTOGRAPHY: @lizardprince_ PHOTOGRAPHY ASSISTANCE: @burakisseven SET: SET ASSISTANCE: @emilydoddnoble6 @sebastiansnymn HEAD HMU: @makeupbyciwana using @caiacosmetics MAKEUP: @kathrin.hieselmayr @dasch.c @jo_sysum_makeup @saskiakrause HAIR: @byInnmarie @jasmingotyou @jana.vonoheimbrosta @psyberlady CUSTOM JEWELLERY @carolindieler ACCESSORIES alexander iurczak @fiveoneseveneiaht @marianheraet @aianerx HAB PARTNERS @fashioncouncilgermany@senwienbe @drmartensofficial @caiacosmetics @ebay @bamwrks
Behind the scenes vibes! Giving you a glimpse of the hustle, energy, and all the magic that happens before the show starts. Who else loves the pre-show excitement? VIDEO @maryna_rudenok FASHION SHOW @marcelostertag HAIR @martindurrenmatt / MAKE-UP @sam.hill.makeupartist / @inclover_academy @offiziellmaria #backstagepass #runwayrush #fashionenergy #showtimevibes #preshowmagic #fashioninmotion #runwayfashion
Who says runway looks are just for the runway? This is my everyday style—because fashion is meant to be worn everywhere! Reel by @gisela.schlenker #runwaytoreallife #effortlessstyle #fashioneveryday #wearitwithconfidence #ownyourlook #berlinfashionweek #Haderlump #CatwalkMagic #PetraVanBremen #RunwayHighlight #FashionShow #ModelLife #FashionWeekBerlin #AW25 #DesignerFashion #StyleOnTheRunway #ElegantLooks #FashionInMotion #GratefulHeart #RunwayMoment #BehindTheScenesFashion HAB Team Credits: Creative Director: @johann_erhardt Head of Production: @jostoehr Head of Design: @sillinger_ Pattern Drafter: @p.ony_tail COMS: @leonaisabellalutz AW25 TEAM: @brianna.antoniel @julianbleiss @taricosar@_a.gigl@iamhuda.o CASTING DIRECTION: @joylivia STYLING: @suzana_haile PHOTOGRAPHY: @lizardprince_ PHOTOGRAPHY ASSISTANCE: @burakisseven SET: SET ASSISTANCE: @emilydoddnoble6 @sebastiansnymn HEAD HMU: @makeupbyciwana using @caiacosmetics MAKEUP: @kathrin.hieselmayr @dasch.c @jo_sysum_makeup @saskiakrause HAIR: @byInnmarie @jasmingotyou @jana.vonoheimbrosta @psyberlady CUSTOM JEWELLERY @carolindieler ACCESSORIES alexander iurczak @fiveoneseveneiaht @marianheraet @aianerx @agencesilver @model_mgmt @mrsrobinsonmgt @iconicfocus @
What an unforgettable night at the “Bunte Red Night”! Amazing vibes, running into friends, and new connections. Laughter, exciting stories, and delicious Campari cocktails—what more could you ask for? ❤️🍸🔥 #BunteRedNight #UnforgettableMoments #FriendsAndFun #Networking #CampariLovers #RedNightVibes @bunte_magazin @campariofficial @camparideutschland @neuerfritzberlin @barbarakleinofficial @cathyhummels @brucedarnell @marcel.remus @mareilehoeppner_official @fredericksberlin
🚨 Elevator Takeover! 🚨 Everywhere I turn… it’s me! 😄 My photos have officially taken over the elevator, and I’m loving this unexpected moment. 🚀✨ Would you stop for a selfie in an elevator full of you? Let me know in the comments! 👇 @nnmagazinecz Video @gisela.schlenker #elevatortakeover #toomuchorjustright #livingthedreamlife #bestagermodel #grayhairdontcare #confidenceateverystage #ownyourmoment #elevatorselfie
The same look, yet somehow different each time. Focused and ready as the show is about to begin—adrenaline surges, and my nerves remind me they’re there. ✨💫 #runwaymagic #petravanbremen #fashionshows #catwalkvibes #adrenalinerush #modelli̇fe #behindthescenes🎬 #runwayready #focusandpassion #designerfashion #berlinfashionweek #fashioninmotion #gratefulhearts #showtimemood HAB Team Credits: Creative Director: @johann_erhardt Head of Production: @jostoehr Head of Design: @sillinger_ Pattern Drafter: @p.ony_tail COMS: @leonaisabellalutz AW25 TEAM: @brianna.antoniel @julianbleiss @taricosar@_a.gigl@iamhuda.o CASTING DIRECTION: @joylivia STYLING: @suzana_haile PHOTOGRAPHY: @lizardprince_ PHOTOGRAPHY ASSISTANCE: @burakisseven SET: SET ASSISTANCE: @emilydoddnoble6 @sebastiansnymn HEAD HMU: @makeupbyciwana using @caiacosmetics MAKEUP: @kathrin.hieselmayr @dasch.c @jo_sysum_makeup @saskiakrause HAIR: @byInnmarie @jasmingotyou @jana.vonoheimbrosta @psyberlady CUSTOM JEWELLERY @carolindieler ACCESSORIES alexander iurczak @fiveoneseveneiaht @marianheraet @aianerx HAB PARTNERS @fashioncouncilgermany@senwienbe @drmartensofficial @caiacosmetics @ebay @bamwrks